Full Lawn Maintenace
Martins Landscaping & Construction can handle all your lawn maintenance needs. With a highly skilled team at their disposal, you can trust that your lawn will always be in capable hands. Say goodbye to the stress and hassle of maintaining your own lawn and leave it to our experts. With their extensive knowledge and expertise, your lawn will always be in pristine condition. So make the smart choice and let Martins Landscaping & Construction take care of your lawn for you. You won't regret it.
There may be a few times a year in hot/ dry weather when the grass will not need cutting. Our experience has been that cutting at these times will damage the grass therefore, it is best not to cut. The monthly charge will remain the same as our pricing has accounted for this matter. This is nonadjustable in our Maintenance contract. There will be an extra charge when we have to pick up branches, etc. after a storm, remove any grass clippings and leaf cleanup during the grass cutting months of April – November.
- Spring & Fall Clean Up - Spring clean up consinsts of all the leaves and debris from planting beds, cut down ornamental grasses 6" from the ground. Level and remove and accumulation of trash. In the Fall we clean up the all the leaves, pine needles removed and remove annuals and cut down perennials.
- Weekly Mowing Services - Mow to uniform hieght. All clippings shall be removed. Mowing to be done once per week. Trimming shall be done once oer week with a weed eater for areas inaccesbile by a mower (i.e walk ways, trees, plant beds and light posts). Blowing shall be done once per week on driveway, sidewalk and clippings on grass.
- Weeding Flower Beds - A Pre-emergent herbicide shall be apploied to all plater areas to help prevent weed growth. With the rpoper use of applied a sage deistance from plant material. Any weeds that are close to plants, WILL be pulled by hand.
- Prunning & Trimming - All Evergreens, shrubs and any type of bushes. Twice per season. The 1st time shall be done by the second week of June and the 2nd time shall be done by the 3fd week of september. Prunning any tree or bush over 9ft tall are not part of this agreement and will be an extra charge.
There may be a few times a year in hot/ dry weather when the grass will not need cutting. Our experience has been that cutting at these times will damage the grass therefore, it is best not to cut. The monthly charge will remain the same as our pricing has accounted for this matter. This is nonadjustable in our Maintenance contract. There will be an extra charge when we have to pick up branches, etc. after a storm, remove any grass clippings and leaf cleanup during the grass cutting months of April – November.